Smart Choices
Tee's Nest egg Tips (TNTs)
So yah, this is definitely going to be my first post without a pic. lol. Not to worry, my picture game is still strong yo! Today, I will be a little bit too serious as I give you those little piggy B tips.
Before we even go further, I must confess. I am good at saving but I also use my savings in my moment of spontaneity. PLEASE DON'T BE LIKE ME!!!
DO NOT GO SHOPPING HUNGRY. So you know that saying “when you are hungry, everything becomes tasty in your mouth?” The same logic applies to shopping. Most especially while shopping for groceries. In this case everything does not become tasty but it becomes very appealing to the eyes, thereby making you want to buy virtually everything or anything at that time to eat. Therefore according to me, make sure you have enough to eat before embarking on your shopping as this will reduce unnecessarily spending and later regrets.
BURN THOSE CALORIES AND SAVE SOME CASH! We have grown so used to taking a cab or taxi, entering a bus or a train or even driving ourselves that we have forgotten that old habit called walking! Walking does not only help us save, it also helps us live a healthy life. Yes I know walking makes you spending longer time on that trip to the grocery store but it helps you save those couple of dollars and saves you the trip to the gym.
IF I DON’T GO NOW… IT’S OKAY, I WILL GO LATER! Say that to yourself each time you are about almost taking all your life savings to make that summer trip. Holiday destinations will always be there but you will not always have the opportunity to save. Think wisely and make smart decisions.
IT IS OKAY TO MISS THAT PARTY OR HANGOUT! It is not every plan your friends make that you get involved. Learn to say no, thank you to some invitation. It is okay to skip that clubbing night and save some cents on that drink. Yes, it is cool to have fun while you are young but what is in it when you miss bigger opportunities later in life just because you could not tamed yourself? It is good to live for today but it better to plan for tomorrow.
BUY WHAT YOU NEED NOT WHAT YOU WANT! Yes, I just said that. There is a big different between needs and wants, though many people cannot draw a line between those. Wants are those things we yearn to have but are not crucial. Which means our lives can go on perfectly fine without them in it. Needs on the other hand are indispensable. They are things we cannot do without such as food, a roof over our heads and sartorial. To be honest, some people do not know the difference between the two and that is while there is usually a lot of wasting without necessary knowing it is a wastage.
DON’T TRY TO IMPRESS YOUR PEERS, YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU HAVE OR DO NOT HAVE. What really matters is the satisfaction and joy you feel within. A lot of people in the society care so much about what people think of them that they end up living a life style they can sustained and end up not saving.
NOT PLANNED FOR? DON’T BUY IT! One should basically buy items that are planned for and are very necessary. You might think those extra bowls of ice cream will not hurt but it will. That unplanned designer’s wrist watch you bought the other will definitely hurt your pocket in the long run.
It is very important to save and whosoever does not learn to save, learns to live in lack and want. The act of saving is a conscious effort from the saver. It might not be easy to save at first but as you make it a lifestyle, it gets easier every step .And it not just the poor or the middle class who need to save so don't make that mistake and no one is too young to save either.