I have so much to talk about here. But of course , I'm supposed to ,right? Like yah, it is my alma mater ! Duh!!! This great institutio...
Nice view huh? Yah, I know! This prepossessing view right here is the Millennium Park. It is a public Park located in Maitama district, A...
So during NYSC orientation camp, I met this young vibrant guy . I later found out that he is into fashion and design. He makes a lot of co...
Look good feel good
January 07, 2018Sometimes all you need is a glass of tall fresh orange juice with ice cubes! Do you live in Abuja? Or just came on a visit and you are looki...
Still on the happy moments series . All I got to say here is don't wait for happy moments to occur . Create them! Put more of your ene...
Happiness series
January 06, 2018It was 5pm on a Wednesday, 29th of November 2017. I was exhausted after a long day at the junior high school where I teach as part of my c...
Sunset In North Central,Nigeria
January 05, 2018Do not be overwhelmed with the circumstances surrounding you. Find humor in little things around you and laugh hard like it is your last. De...