Independent? No! Interdependent? Yes!!!
There are different views of what we think of globalization , well this is mine. I am of the view that globali...
Independent? No! Interdependent? Yes!!!
February 19, 2018Tee's Nest egg Tips (TNTs)
So yah, this is definitely going to be my first post without a pic. lol. Not to worry, my picture game is still strong yo! Today, I will be ...
Destination Yankari
Yankari Game Reserve was established in 1956. It is located at Km 40, Bauchi- Gombe High Way Mainamaji village, Bauchi State, north-central ...
My alma mater _ USIU-Africa _ education to take you places
I have so much to talk about here. But of course , I'm supposed to ,right? Like yah, it is my alma mater ! Duh!!! This great institutio...
The Millennium Park , a Place to be.
Nice view huh? Yah, I know! This prepossessing view right here is the Millennium Park. It is a public Park located in Maitama district, A...
Look good feel good
So during NYSC orientation camp, I met this young vibrant guy . I later found out that he is into fashion and design. He makes a lot of co...